مشخصات فایل:
نام فایل(کتاب):Essential drugs practical guidelines (دستورالعمل های عملیاتی مواد ضروری)
نام نویسنده:Médecins Sans Frontières
مترجم:ترجمه ندارد
زبان اثر:انگلیسی
تعداد صفحات:375 صفحه
موضوع :پزشکی -داروسازی -داروشناسی
فرمت اثر:PDF
با تخفیف ویژه 50 درصدی به مدت محدود
تنها سایت فارسی زبان ارائه دهنده ی این کتاب
This guide is not a pharmacological dictionary, it is a practical manual. It is meant for health professionals, physicians, nurses, pharmacists and health auxiliaries whether they are working in curative care, or the use and management of drugs and medical equipment. We have tried to answer as simply as possible the problems and questions that confront health staff with solutions practiced and tested on the field by Médecins Sans Frontières. We have taken into account the recommendations of reference organisations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the advice of specialized publications (see bibliography page 255).
Some of the medicines listed are not on the essential drug list of the WHO, but are still frequently used in certain countries and, although their use is sometimes not advised, we have chosen to include them in this guide.
The level of information on the drug sheets is adapted to the level of training of the health worker:
- the sheets marked "Health post" give simple information for community health workers;
- the sheets marked "Health clinic" and "District hospital" are more detailed and are meant for qualified auxiliaries, nurses and doctors.;
- the sheets marked "Special department"are included for specialized health services (obstetrics, surgery, anaesthesia) and for programmes for the major endemic diseases (tuberculosis, leprosy, trypanosomiasis...).
Obviously the level of health care training and health workers varies from country to country.
The drug sheets are classified in terms of administration, and within each class, in alphabetical order. This classification is an integral part of the whole proposed drug management system (see chapter "Organization and management of a pharmacy", page 179).
Only the main side-effects, contra-indications and precautions are mentioned in this book. For more complete information, we refer to specialized literature.
We would like those who use this book to send us their comments and criticisms so that it remains adapted to the realities of the field.
Essential drugs practical guidelines |
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